Intro to The Alchemical Pyramid
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5D Spirituality -
Discussed in the Alchemical Pyramid
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Dan Morse, 5d Spirituality and The Alchemical Pyramid
Hello it's December 1st 2024
This is the second installment of the alchemical pyramid and I'm just going to point and shoot here I am not quite sure what's going to come out but I feel like I need to do this to help sort of digest and metabolize all that is happening here and understanding the strangeness of these times both the the hardship and the excitement of these times the alchemical pyramid holds space for the tension of opposites and I'd like to bring in to the pyramid.
The challenge that we are facing with regards to spiritual
consciousness and it's very interesting to watch and to observe and to some
degree participate in our 5D spiritual Community as we've been calling
it where for over a decade it seems that we've been grappling with you know conspiracy
theory we've been grappling with attempting to understand the bigger
picture of things what is the Matrix what is higher Divine Consciousness how is it
attempting to get our attention to help us to move through the Crux of these
times in the months that led up to the election, for Diana and I, it was it was difficult
it was hard because what we were observing was that there was a tendency within the 5D Community to look at the Turning of events through a lens that seemed to be held within what I'm calling the alt Arena or the media ecosystem that is promoted by many of the alt-right thinkers The Conspiracy Theory you know Investigators, those voices that have broken from the mainstream press and media the Legacy Media of the New York Times of the Washington Post and maybe you know broken from more of a kind of a liberal oriented side of things and so the 5D Community seems to have been engaged more in the YouTubers and the you know uh the Russell Brands and
certainly the whole phenomenon of what happened around the pandemic which is so complicated and so hard and yet really I think exposed a certain dark side and a certain agenda that the modern medical establishment has been pursuing that isn't necessarily in the best interests of our health but that that alone is something that we can put
into the pyramid and we need to put into the pyramid what happened in the
pandemic but I don't want to go into that right now.
I'm just saying that the
5D Community tended to be biased with a leaning towards the alt Arena that had more of a favorable view of Trump as being somebody who could help be the great
disruptor and throw things into turmoil and potentially help overcome the Deep State whatever that was or whatever they meant by that. So when the election came and Trump won there was a certain degree of optimism and hope that was spurred, thinking and seeing that Trump could very well do that and yet Diana and I, and I know many others were very, very aware of the dangers of a Trump presidency and so actually what I'd like to bring in to the Pyrammid today is the phenomenon of spirituality as we are kind of grappling with it in these current months after the election and prior to Trump taking the presidency.
I just I think it's so fascinating. The 5D approach which is wonderful in many ways also has some vulnerabilities I think and so we're trying to understand what those vulnerabilities are or what those blind spots might be so that we
don't get sidetracked so that we can actually move to the higher ground in with solid
footing. I'd like to bring in something that is really fundamental to all this and
that is is that within the 5D Community, we recognize that there is a broader essentially non physical influence that is detracting Humanity from a course of further spiritual
Evolution. I have identified this as the archonic control system. Drawing from the gnostic tradition and Christ's Gnostic teachings involving the archons as I explained in my book The Divine Spark Within. Strangely enough the Christian fundamentalism also holds a very similar view there is a quote in St. Paul in the Ephesians where he says we are not fighting against flesh we are flight fighting against the princes and their
principalities and I think it's in the same quote where he says put on your
armor your body of armor and it's an extraordinary section which I do mention in my book as potentially referring to you know the princes and principalities are names
that actually Christ uses in the Gnostic texts referring to the archons and their
regions that he descended through in order to come here to help to rescue not only Sophia but the Divine spark within us that is Latent. So Christian fundamentalists see that text as a key in their fight to get people to wake up to give themselves to Christ to Jesus to to be born again and believe in Jesus, make Jesus your personal savior. This is the Evangelical Christian tradition, not only the Southern Baptists which is a little calmer but then the Pentecostals who are very intense in their vehemence in
getting us to believe and give ourselves over to Jesus.
Just this last weekend I came to an understanding that this idea of the checkerboard view of things the White and the black sort of intermingling it's not black or white
there shades of both and in that in the Pentecostal in the in the Christian Evangelical movement which is really big there's some … no I understand that there's emotion there's Vitality there's passion there's the the desire for us to wake up because look at around us look around us we are asleep I am asleep in some ways. I don't want to just be numb and let things happen around me as I'm a passive Observer. so I see
the positive intent of the Christian evangelicals and yet there is really serious implications to this because not only are they wanting us to wake up they are also wanting to work their theology into the legal system and the government system and the financial system that supports their worldview of about coming to Jesus and this where you have Christian nationalism and some call it Christian fascism or Christo
fascism and where there is a Theocratic Sharia, like a Jihad, like this book Confronting Christopfascism talks about it as a Christian Jihad. You know what's going on in Afghanistan and some of these Islamic fundamentalist countries where the law of Islam dictates what you can or cannot do. In Afghanistan a woman cannot talk to
another woman in public. I mean it's just they've gone to such an extreme and so if we follow the thread of Christian nationalism here in this country we are looking at you know very serious imposition of Christian theology into what we can or cannot do so in the 5D Community. We are having a hard time I think recognizing where it's coming in and Trump actually, and especially his Vice President pick JD Vance are are very very much carrying the torch of Christian nationalism and they are seriously intent on following through with their Promises of imposing this Theocratic system and if we doubt this all we have to do is to look at Project 2025 and you know the controversial Project 2025, oh my God you know Trump didn't know anything about it. It's whatever… who knows 900 Pages there's so many things happening… No! project 2025, if it's not directly being brought in by the Trump administration at least many players that Trump is bringing in including Russ Vought The Office of Management and Budget. That guy who comes in… he's a primary player in the construction or the playbook of Project 2025 in the first days of the Trump Administration. We know that from his own personal testimonial and this meeting that took place with Vought and some
players that got access to him invited him in for a private conversation where he basically said we are laying out the executive orders that Trump is going to do from
Day One in order to implement Project 2025 which you know has a lot to do with
Schedule F, eliminating the independence of the civil servants and making
anybody working in government basically have to be loyalists to Trump.
The authors of Project 2025 are coming from the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is the organization that sponsors Project 2025 and they have a very strong Christian nationalist bent. Some say there's an echelon within project 2025 that carries this Christian Nationalism. JD Vance wrote the forward to the book that was just released by the author of the project 2025 called Dawn’s Early Light something about throwing out the old and bringing in what really should be happening which is we should be giving ourselves over to Christ basically and with that, controlling women's bodies, ending access to abortion, ending access to reproductive health and reproductive rights, including birth control and greatly diminishing the role of women in the culture. There are degrees of it and the greatest degree is a kind of Handmaiden’s
Tale, a dystopian Horror Show. So we’ve got to keep our eye on this right?
Okay so how do we handle our awareness of an archonic control system that is one of the primary engines that is fueling the alt arena which interfaces with Christian nationalism. Russell Brand, I mean he was pretty cool for a while there and now he's… (Christian which is fine of course, but…) There's this draw, this suck that brings people into a kind of vehemence, zealousness around this and so…
Spirituality, this is what's in the Pyramid right now. Spirituality. I am not letting Christian Nationalism infiltrate my Psyche. I reject Christian nationalism imposing Christian values (or some person's interpretation of Christian values) on my life or the life of Diana or my daughters or anybody who is not willing, is an abuse of power and for us to move to the higher level, we say no, we are calling out Christian nationalism, we are calling out how Trump is being very vague and yet you know deep down and when you get into the woodwork… It's very, very serious. The threat of the imposition of Christian fundamentalism on a broad Basis. If you don't be a team player with us then you'll lose Federal funding. If you don't put your Ten Commandments in your schools you lose Federal funding. If you talk about you know history from a… oh boy… you know things happen with slavery, oh my God. You know there's the women's rightsmovement what? oh my God. If you have any of that, you lose Federal funding. So we say no to that but what do we say yes to?
Yes there is an archonic control system that is behind the scenes of the corporate control system such as the forces behind the medical establishment, behind the economic system, that absolutely have control and manipulation and are dumbing us
down as their agenda to maintain control. it's the same old thing; absolute power corrupts absolutely. So we are differentiating between understanding a Christian
mysticism the esoteric undercurrent of this wisdom tradition that is not bound in dogma and that is not all about control. It is a Living Waters that each of us has access
to and each of us can use as a source of connection to higher dimensional power and wisdom that is not confused and not contorted and not sidetracked. I'm serious, like we in the 5D Community we need to understand this. We need to understand when we are
getting sidetracked. Yes Trump will bring in some necessary some valuable
changes. I do see that. I understand that. I am open to that.
What Biden is doing in Ukraine right now by giving permission for them to lob big missiles into Russia is just insane! What? Why? Oh yeah no it's because they want to have an endless war with Russia, it's a proxy war in Ukraine and you know the Grayzone had an article about how you know the British Ministry is way into this endless war
in Russia because we need an enemy. The Arms industry certainly needs an enemy.
If Russia wasn't there, how are the Defense companies going to get money, to keep making their millions and billions oh my gosh! So anyway, Trump probably has a better plan in Ukraine yeah freaking end the war there! Stop Ukraine as a tool by NATO to get closer to Russia. NATO, stay out of Ukraine that's all and negotiate with Russia put an end to it stop It. RFK… many things. What? gain of function, working towards an
International agreement banning gain of function. Yes what is gain of
function? Taking a Coronavirus and making it more virulent to humans and then what?
Keep it in the lab and make sure it's all safe and why
are you doing this? Is this bio Weaponry, yeh, what is a bioweapon? What is the history of the bioweapons industry? We need to look at all that. RFK is a wow he's really good at that and also, is he enabling Trump in instituting an autocratic Misogynist,
anti-diversity, draconian system of economic…You know the whole Thing.
But in the Pyramid, we see both sides and yet I feel compelled to bring to the 5D Community…that's who I'm talking to, spiritual people who are open to conspiracy who are into personal taking personal responsibility for our spiritual transformation and
transformation of Consciousness. that's who I'm talking to and you who are listening thank you for indulging. I'm sorry if this is a little all over the map but I'm trying to bring a little peace into the pyramid here for us to work with and I'm looking forward to
more. This is exciting! We want to be sovereign. We want to not be bound by systems of control and manipulation and imposition of Dogma or the imposition of
Christian Dogma. We do not want to be bound by some version of Christ because actually we are here to help Liberate the message of Christ that was saying it's about you and the Divine spark within. You that is intimately connected to the feminine and the Sophianic Mystery that is here as the antidote to the archonic system. it is our ticket to Liberation not Christian fundamentalist legal imposition.
Okay, thank you!
Referenced in this talk.
Dan's book.
Alchemical Pyramid
Russ Vought and Project 2025
US proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. Jeffrey Sachs
Book by Kevin Roberts (Project 2025), Forward by J. D. Vance
Russell Brand is now a Christian.
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