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The Alchemical Pyramid Process

Political, Spiritual, and Conspiracy Dialoguing

to Bridge the Polarization


· Honoring Each Person's Positive Intent

· Distilling out the Blind Spots

· Coming to Higher Common Ground​

· Moving from 3d to 5d

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What is the Challenge? 


Our culture is suffering from polarizations that are tearing us apart. Left - right, Republican - Democrat, mainstream - alt arena. The pull to be on either one side or the other is so strong, that communities, families and couples are being torn apart by these divisions. This is no accident as keeping us divided is a main strategy behind keeping the 99% from overcoming the real problem of the ultra wealthy.

On both sides, there are important and valuable points of view. At the same time, both sides can harbor a shadow with serious blind spots. Each camp is trying to expose the manipulation and sinister exploitations of the other and yet there is a near complete break down in being able to communicate across this great divide.

There is an ancient Druid prayer: 
The flame is purified of smoke, so purify our consciousness. 

The Alchemical Pyramid Process is designed to help to bridge this gap by honoring the value of our outlook while distilling out the shadowy smoke of lower consciousness. 

How it works


The Alchemical Pyramid is a communication container that people agree to enter into so that a higher common ground between opposing positions can be found. An alchemical vessel requires heat and pressure that can result in distilling out what is negative such that what is positive can find a new place of exaltation. The Alchemical Pyramid Process (APP) can help break the impasse between the two predominant sides.


There are four positions in the Alchemical Pyramid: two opposing points of view that hold a positive intention where there is passion and strong feelings. and two blind spots to these points of view, where corrupted, shadowy, lower consciousness lies hidden.


We first need to define the two primary camps that can roughly be defined by the two general cultures found in the media. There can be overlap, but in general, the polarization can be understood be seen here.



The Two Primary Media Camps with their corresponding Points of View.


Liberal (Mainstream) that includes mainstream and independent news that uphold traditional standards of journalism. (NY Times, Washington Post, Democracy Now, The Intercept, Common Dreams...)


The Alt Arena as found in the territory of alt-media (breakaway journalism), alt-right, conspiracies. (Tucker Carlson, Steve Bannon, Joe Rogan, Russel Brand, Naomi Wolf, Fox News, Epoch Times, Center for Research on Globalization...)


In our spiritual community, many of us are engaged in a deep dive into what is going on under the surface of what is easily seen. "Conspiracy" is a word that is generally used to define this, and yes, there is likely more that meets the eye than the official narrative of JFK's assasination, 9/11, and extraterrestrials. Indeed, it was JFK's assassination and all of the questions that surrounded the Warren Report's single bullet theory that spurred this whole trend where questions to the official narrative were discredited by calling them "conspiracy theory." This then led to what could be called a breakaway mainstream journalism ecosphere that is not scared to look into what is considered by mainstream to be the stuff of tinfoil hats. ​


The Alchemical Pyramid Process is designed to bridge this great divide because both sides are needed. 


The alchemical process is designed to distill out what is not healthy from what is valuable. Then each position works to come to the Common Higher Ground, where each side comes closer together with a common viewpoint and goal that is not sabotaged by polarization. This process can help build a clearer platform in which a growing grounded spiritually informed concensus can take better shape that can offer what Vaclav Havel calls a parallel society. This is a social group or system which is found in the wreckage of the collapsing society that can offer a seed for building the new emerging society that is based not on war, not on a dominator paradigm, not on a break away left brain paradigm of reductionist control but on a partnership model where the feminine is in balance with the masculine in all aspects of the culture, where AI is an asset to the human culture but doesn't seek to replace the human with the digital, where spiritual development as modeled by the vast history of mystical traditions is no longer under the control of orthodoxy and exploitative systems of thought management. 


In order to do this process, a participant needs to be willing to hear the other side, and work to help find the positive intention behind where the other is coming from. At the same time, there needs to be a willingness to not only help the other side distill out where their blind spots are, but also to be open to seeing the blind spots within their own camp. ​​​​​​​


Media Literacy is essential to creating the container of the alchemical pyramid. Being able to see the blind spots in the media we consume is needed in order to build a solid alchemical container that isn't compromised by a lack of reasonable discernment. The two or more people gathered for a Pyramid Process session can work together to vet the media sources that inspire each person's position. For example, 90% of mainstream media outlets are owned by 5 or 6 corporations (according to Project Censored's media literacy campaign) and hence there is an enormous filter placed on these news organizations that guard against information that poses any questions or threats to these corporate interests. These media outlets also echo talking points that come directly from government sources that work to construct a consensus narrative that serves the government's interests.  In contrast, the algorithms of alt media can draw a follower deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory where there is an ecosystem that is riddled with racism, misogyny, white Christian nationalism, fear mongering, and dark shadow activities that is highly destabilizing to the culture at large. Being able to detect bias, manipulation and corruption in media content such as in these examples is important to help provide a secure alchemical container for this process to work. 

The Alchemical Pyramid Process

Common Higher Ground


Alt Arena

Positive Intent

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Alt Arena

Shadow Blind Spots

Liberal (Mainstream)

Shadow Blind Spots

Liberal (Mainstream)

Positive Intent

To Begin


We need to start by bringing the two primary camps of the polarization into the APP. 


Liberal (Mainstream) - Positive Intent in their Point of View

In general, seeks fairness, equality, and justice for all people and sustainability for life on this planet. 


Alt Arena - Positive Intent in their Point of View

Sees hypocrisy in the Liberal (Mainstream) and how there is manipulation and control especially within the mainstream media that has created a wall against information that is a threat to its status quo. Hence it has disconnected itself from this Mainstream and is fully committed to getting to the bottom of what is going on and exposing it. Calling out and dismantling the "deep state" is what ultimately is needed.


Liberal (Mainstream) - Shadow Blind Spots

​1) There tends to be a blind faith in the established media, and government. The initial positive intent to create regulatory agencies in the government to monitor abuse (such as the CDC and EPA), for example, this group fails to see how these agencies have been captured by corporate interests. 

2) There is a wall that guards against anything that threatens its status quo and anything that lies outside that boundary is often labeled as "conspiracy" and completely discredited. Information that threatens the official narrative is not allowed and is censored. So sophisticated is this process that most people in this camp don't see this happening. 

3) There can be an oppressive system of social norms that can be intolerant of more basic and long standing human values. Cancel culture and political correctness are examples of this.​


Alt Arena - Shadow Blind Spots

1) Because this camp exists in a system of information gathering that has broken away from norms of journalism with less of a critical thinking filter that thrives in the untamed jungle of the internet, it becomes an ecosystem where base human values get more and more attention and traction such as racism, sexism, mysogeny, bigotry, fundamentalism, regressive nationalism, etc. 

2) Though it serves to expose conspiracies that are denied by the Liberal (Mainstream), it can get lost down the never-ending rabbit hole of these conspiracies and there is an inflation (hubris) that can come with the feeling that they have inside information that the Liberal (Mainstream) isn't able to see. This then leads to a wall against information that might shed questions and doubt on their own conclusions.



The Common Higher Ground


As we bring these emotionally charged viewpoints into the container of the Pyramid, we can together look at where the shadow side and blind spots can be disconnected from the valuable insights and positive intentions of both sides. With this, we come to a Higher Ground where we set foot on a common platform, where we clearly are seeking the same outcome. In the geometric image of the Alchemical Pyramid, this higher level, up from the base of the pyramid, is called a frustum.  


On September 29, 2024, five people in Sonoma County, CA got together to do a trial run of this process. We all had varying viewpoints that to some degree fell into these two camps but there was also much overlap. As this was an initial meeting, specific issues did not necessily get worked through in the process for we were looking more at the bigger picture. We found ourselves coming to some footing on this Higher Ground where we were all clear that we were not wanting to be manipulated by nefarious agendas and we were all seeking to find more empowerment as spiritual people striving to build a new and better society. We all could see that fear was a big part of what was happening in the various points of view. In response, we all felt it was important to be aware of threats but to not let this lose our connection to the spirit of an Earth grounded in a new paradigm of spiritual connection and higher consciousness. It was helpful that we all knew each other very well and our relationships helped us to have high levels of respect for each other. There were at times some heated topics that came into the pyramid. For example, the election with strong opinions towards both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the Deep State, Project 2025, Christian Nationalism, "woke",  women and the rebalancing of the feminine in this patriarchal culture were all put into the cauldron. Mostly we were looking at better understanding how to understand this polarization and how to define it. A form of mirroring was utilized to see the positive intention behind the other's point of view. Doubts about the other person's opinion was expressed as we all worked to maintain the integrity of this Alchemical Pyramid Process. 


Though this wasn't clarified specifically, this is a general Common Higher Ground that we came to. 


1) We want to congregate together in a spirit of love and that fostering love is a fundamental principle around which we can all gather. 

2) We can interact with the specifics of what is happening in the world as seen from different points of view, recognize fear that is there, but not lose ourselves to that fear.

3) We want transparency and integrity in government, the media, the economy, the medical system, and other systems. 

4) We seek to retain basic human values of community goodness.

5) We want to expose and clear anything that is manipulating and exploiting us to the advantage of the super privileged.

6) We are humbled by how unfathomable the complexity and magnificence of this planet and we seek to not exploit nor destroy it's delicate ecosystem. 

7) We know there is a bigger picture of what is happening that is unable to be explained within a limited 3d orientation. Hence we seek to expand our awareness to be open to higher dimensional (quantum) phenomenon. We see that humanity is at a developmental crossroads where our ability to connect to a higher spiritual (organic) intelligence is necessary for us to be able to make it through to the next phase without destroying the entire human experiment. This can be generally identified as coming into the fifth dimensional paradigm. 


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We are engaging in a transformational process that interfaces between the Third Dimension (3d) or life in the everyday world, and the Fifth Dimension (5d) or unity consciousness, with the goal of moving from lower to higher.

Once a core group can find themselves on this "frustum", the Higher Common Ground, more functional dialogue and interpersonal process within a larger gathering can be established to better address their collective efforts to bring more peace and love into this world. As this higher ground position is stabilized then the real work can begin. Allowing for the multiplicity of spiritual orientations between people gathered, this group can come into a more unified coherence of mind-heart, thought-emotion, and soul-spirit where a new paradigm of social self organization and higher unified (5d) consciousness can begin to emerge. This requires both confidence and humility towards higher spiritual Wisdom that is coming into the group and also is being emanated from the group into the broader culture. 

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